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Only CordBank can store your baby’s cord blood in New Zealand

Saving lives. Seriously, simply. (8) (1)

Health. Security. Opportunity.

The vision for your child’s life

You want more for your child than you had. You want them to have security and opportunities, but above all else, your child needs health for a stable and successful future. When you bank your baby’s cord blood, you future-proof their health in a world where they will live longer than ever.

What’s so amazing about cord blood?



Cord blood cells are the most powerful cells, undamaged by the aging process.1



They can turn into other types of cells including heart, muscle and nerve cells.1



For the past 30 years cord blood has been used to rebuild children’s immune systems after cancer treatment — as an alternative to bone marrow transplants.2



Latest emerging medical therapies for a child’s own cord blood include type 1 diabetes 3 and brain injuries 4 — with many new uses rapidly emerging.5

Brain injury at birth

How cord blood changed Maia's life

Maia Friedlander Daniel and Jillian Friedlander were blessed with beautiful twin girls Maia and Arielle. Life couldn’t have been better. But when Maia failed to meet the usual developmental milestones it was clear she had suffered oxygen deprivation at birth. It left her “disconnected” and developmentally delayed. Because her stem cells were banked at birth, they could be used to repair her brain injury. 

Surviving a deadly cancer

How cord blood saved Frances's life

Frances Everall
At just four years old, Auckland local Frances was diagnosed with a stage four Neuroblastoma (a cancer of the nervous system). Her parents were told to take her home to die. But armed with Frances’ cord blood they fought back and their daughter survived. Today she is well and healthy – all thanks to her cord blood stem cells stored at CordBank.

What parents say about cord banking

Thousands of families around New Zealand have invested in saving their children’s cord blood. Here’s why…

“We’re blown away by research showing the benefits of cord blood stem cells for many health issues. Liam and I are saving our baby’s cord blood to ensure the right help is here for our little one if and when it’s needed later in life.”

– Kathryn Wilson, Shoe Designer · Auckland



(Phone) 0800 CORDBANK or +64 9 302 9511 · (Email)
PO Box 68757, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141
© CordBank New Zealand, 2021


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