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Children helping children on Purple Cake Day


Emily Sanson’s humanitarian aid work took her around the world. Faced with her toughest challenge she started Purple Cake Day – so kiwi kids can help bring hope and education to children globally.

On Purple Cake Day, children go purple. They dress up, make purple flags of hope, do purple face painting, play purple games and sell purple cakes.

“The aim of Purple Cake Day is to encourage activities that empower our children to change the world for less fortunate children around the globe” says Emily who recently banked her baby son’s cord blood with CordBank.

Funds raised through Purple Cake Day go towards specific international education projects.

“We concentrate on helping three transformative, trusted, hands-on projects that are bringing quality education to hudresds of children living in poverty in Haiti, Nepal and Kenya.”

Those projects include: First Steps Himalaya in Nepal – supporting teachers in modern methods ensuring better educational outcomes for the children in cleaner more well equipped classrooms with stimulating education materials, Hilde Back Education Fund in Kenya – providing 4-year secondary school scholarships and vital materials to bright children from poor families; and the Children of Haiti Project – a school for 65 children where as well as a progressive and creative education, they receive hot meals and regular health check ups as well as education in basic hygiene, health and safety and life skills.

Kids enjoy planning and delivering Purple Cake Day fundraising activities. Nine-year- old Bella from Nelson chose to give up her Christmas presents to raise money for children in Haiti. Other family members chipped in and she raised four times more than her goal.

Skylar from Samuel Marsden Collegiate has been running Purple Cake Day fundraisers for three years. She and her friends set themselves a goal then organise a variety of purple activities to raise the money, their purple cupcake stall is a guaranteed sell out and they always exceed their fundraising goals.

This year, Friday 18th March is Purple Cake Day and schools around the country are gearing up with crazy purple fundraising ideas. It’ll be huge fun for all the kids involved and they’ll learn about the importance of helping others who are not as fortunate.

Purple Cake Days can happen at other times too. If you know of a group of children who would like to embrace the spirit of helping, check out the Purple Cake Day website and if you love the concept of Purple Cake Day, you can also make a donation.

If you’re involved with helping a children’s charity, tell us your story. We might be able to help out with publicity.


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