Plenty Magazine Mentions Cord Blood Banking and CordBank NZ
A short feature in the Winter 2008 issue of Plenty described the benefits of umbilical cord blood banking, and directed readers to contact CordBank New Zealand.
New baby joining the family? There’s lots to think about – including whether the baby’s umbilical stem cells should be “banked” in case they may be able to help solve a future medical problem. Cord blood stem cells are already being used in the treatment of more than 70 diseases – with some recent remarkable reversals of symptoms in children with cerebral palsy. Studies are underway on its effectiveness as a treatment for autism and cystic fibrosis, too. It costs $5000 to store cord blood for 18 years, but you can pay on flexible terms that equate to no more than a daily cup of coffee. It’s proving to be a popular gift for grandparents to bestow. For details see or call 09 302 9511.
Click here to view the actual article in Plenty.