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About CordBank

Private Umbilical Cord Blood Banking for New Zealand, Australia, and the South Pacific

CordBank is Australasia’s longest established and most experienced cord blood collection, processing and storage facility. Read Our Story.


We hold a Class G licence from the New Zealand Ministry of Health to manufacture medicine — recognising that the cord blood stem cells parents’ are saving today are being stored for medical use in the future.


CordBank is audited annually by Medsafe, the Ministry’s regulatory arm under cGMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) — which is the most stringent level of quality applied to cord blood facilities globally.


Our purpose-built laboratory in Auckland is staffed by highly qualified staff who are solely devoted to processing and storing cord blood.


A central part of our quality programme ensures that testing is carried out on each cord blood unit to confirm its overall quality and determine its cell count for future reference.


Since our launch in 2002 we have successfully processed and stored the cord blood of many thousands of families from around New Zealand and around the world. CordBank families have already successfully used their stored cord blood for life-threatening conditions and today have happy, healthy children.


(Phone) 0800 CORDBANK or +64 9 302 9511 · (Email)
PO Box 68757, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141
© CordBank New Zealand, 2021


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