Toddler talks after cord blood treatment
Childhood Apraxia Syndrome (CAS) was preventing Isabella’s speech development. Fortunately, her parents had banked her cord blood. Following a 10 minute procedure, her speech started improving rapidly.
Cord blood ‘life-changing’ for eczema patients
Stem cell scientists have accidentally found a treatment for eczema that could bring hope to millions
First child treated with cord blood in Aussie diabetes trial
When Rachel Weldon, mother of 4 year old Isla, was asked why she banked cord blood she said – it just seemed like a good insurance policy. “Now being involved in this trial we feel so grateful” Researchers at Westmead’s Children’s Hospital hope that the cord blood, which is rich in immune cells, will help…
Will the young live forever?
The life saving power of cord blood stem cells is well known. But now thanks to a 115 year old woman, their power to rejuvenate aging bodies and lengthen lifespan has been revealed. Born in 1890, Hendrikje van Andel-Schipper was at one point the oldest woman in the world. She was also remarkable for her health, with…
New baby on the way?
If you’re expecting another baby, we have a special welcome gift for you both. All you need to do is register by 30 September 2015 and you’ll get the first year of cord blood storage for free. You’ll get peace of mind knowing you’re ready for the arrival of your new baby and save $225.00…
Mini pig cartilage trial brings new hope
With over a million knee and hip replacement operations carried out every year in the US – the need to find a way to replace worn cartilage is vital. The result of a new study involving mini pigs, treated with cord blood, has good news for sufferers. In a study carried out at the…
Cord blood saves baby after drowning
Summer is fast approaching… and sadly, drowning remains one of the leading causes of death for children. But one family’s decision to bank their daughters cord blood at birth gave her a second chance after drowning. After falling into her family swimming pool Sparrow Morris was without oxygen for 45 minutes, the outlook for one year…
Win free cord blood banking this month – celebrating Frances’ survival
Kiwi families have the chance to win free cord blood banking for their babies this month – thanks to a special promotion celebrating the 7th anniversary of Frances Everall’s life saving cord blood re-infusion. Diagnosed with a stage 4 cancer when she was only 4, Frances’ outlook was very grim. But thank to the foresight…
Cord Blood Cure for Autism?
The worlds leading cord blood specialist, Dr Joanne Kurtzberg has started a study using a child’s own cord blood to treat autism. The $15 million project, at Duke University, has already enrolled 20 children. Read more about this exciting study which brings new hope to families worldwide
Melbourne trial to give babies back their own umbilical blood in the hope of preventing cerebral palsy.
Pre-clinical studies at the Ritchie Centre, part of the MIMR-PHI Institute of Medical Research, found that giving cord blood back to newborn animals in their first 12 hours of life, can help prevent brain damage caused by birth asphyxia. Last week, postdoctoral scientist Courtney McDonald told the Annual Congress of the Perinatal Society of Australia…