Maia’s cord blood miracle – latest NZ progress “nothing short of remarkable”
The parents of Maia Friedlander, the first NZ child treated with her own cord blood after suffering brain damage at birth, have told local media that her progress has been nothing short of remarkable. In an interview with the Herald on Sunday earlier this month, Maia’s father, Daniel Friedlander said recent independent educational and occupational testing showed she was now functioning at the level of a normal child aged 3 to 5 years old. Daniel said testing carried out before she had her cord blood reinfused, almost 12 months ago, showed she was not on the educational scale (ie unable to be tested as she was not responding to any of the questions or activities set)Daniel said Maia will start school in 2010 – when she is 6 – joining her twin sister. To view Maia’s Cord Bllod Miracle – which tells the story of her parents search for treatment and the life changing results achieved after her cord blood reinfusion go to : for Part 1 and to view Part 2. Free copies of the DVD are also available by emailing [email protected]