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New baby boy for Emily Sanson-Rejouis – three years after Haitian earthquake devastation

In 2010, New Zealander Emily Sanson-Rejouis and her husband Emmanuel were in

Proud big sister Alyahna

Proud big sister Alyahna

Haiti working for the UN peace-keeping mission when they faced incomprehensible tragedy. A massive earthquake claimed the lives of over 300,000 people including Emily’s husband and two of their three young daughters, Kofie-Jade (5yrs) and Zenzie (3yrs). Thankfully little Alyahna (who was only one year old at the time) was rescued after 22 hours under rubble – injured but still alive. After the earthquake, Emily and Alyahna returned to Nelson to rebuild their lives.

Oscar sleeping peacefully

Oscar sleeping peacefully

The family have found happiness again and last month Alyahna became the proud older sister of little Oscar – as Emily and her partner Hugh welcome a new baby boy into the world. Alyahna’s delight is clear to see as she holds her new baby brother in her arms.

Emily says of cord blood banking: “I have always felt strongly that cord blood banking can provide potentially life changing opportunities to our children should they have a diagnosis of a life-threatening condition or disability.

Hugh, Emily and Alyahna

Hugh, Emily and Alyahna

So just like Alyahna, Oscar had his cord blood collected and stored at CordBank for the future.

Emily’s passion for children and their future also inspired her to to start the Purple Cake Day charity event – an event that supports children worldwide to receive the education they need to break the poverty cycle and create a better future for themselves, their families, and their communities.

To read more about this amazing initiative, and to help the Purple Cake Day reach its fundraising target of $100,000, click here.




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