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CordBank » Benefits of cord blood banking » What Parents say about cordblood banking

CordBank Families

Learn why parents chose to bank their child’s cord blood with CordBank, see our success stories, and a photo gallery of some of the babies who have their blood banked with us.

What parents say about cord banking

Thousands of families around New Zealand have invested in saving their children’s cord blood. Here’s why…

“We are so grateful that CordBank is an option for our children here in New Zealand. We hope that we never need to make use of the cord blood we’ve stored with them, but the fact it’s there as insurance is an extremely comforting safety net.”

-Jazmyne van Gosliga


“We banked all 3 of our children’s stem cells — just in case! Who knows what the future holds both for our children and for future stem cell research. Hopefully we will never have to use them but I’m sure we will be very glad to have them if we ever need them!”

–Julie, New Plymouth

“We felt that the future of stem cell research would mean more options for our child’s health. We want to provide the best chances for a long and happy life that a parent can give.”

–Nick, Auckland

“We banked our baby’s cord cells as we appreciated that it could only be done at birth, if we didn’t do it then and we needed them it would be too late. We already pay insurance for just about everything else, and our child’s lives are priceless compared to all those things.”

–Elaine, Queenstown

“We banked as an insurance policy against the unforeseen.  I hope, like all insurance, we never have to use it, but it’s a comfort to know its there.”

–Vicki, Christchurch

“I have chosen to bank my child’s cord blood because as a seventeen year old I have a benign tumour removed from my neck. I hope as a family we never have to uplift her cord blood.”

–Julie, Christchurch

“We decided to bank our son’s cord blood in case he ever got sick because we wouldn’t be able to forgive ourselves if there was something we could have done to help him.”

–Jackie & Mark, Auckland

“I would say, why wouldn’t you bank cord blood? With today’s knowledge and all the new things doctors can help sick kids with I wish we had done it for all my four babies.”

–Jennifer, Rolleston

“We decided to bank our daughter’s cord blood after undergoing fertility treatment – we had invested so much emotion into conceiving our beautiful little girl that we wanted to be sure that if anything was wrong with her after her birth or during her life she had the best possible chance of recovery. We see it as an insurance policy we hope we never have to use.”

–Melanie, Auckland

“We banked Connor’s cord blood because of our family history of cancer and heart disease. We want the very best for her and therefore it was an easy decision to do it. With medical marvels happening every day, we wanted to give her the best chance at life.”

–Bonnie, Wellington

“We decided to bank our baby’s cord bank when we first heard of the bank years before we even got pregnant. This is because of two reasons. The first being my brother died of Leukaemia when I was 20 and I saw that this was one of the cancers having research done on it with stem cells, and I would do anything to prevent going through that again. The second was that it took us 7 years to get pregnant and when you have gone through such heartache to have a baby you really want all the insurance you can get to make sure your baby will be safe in the future.”

–Tracy, Auckland

“Back in 2004 I did not know how easy it was to arrange for stem cell storage through CordBank. I was heavily pregnant with my first son and when the Obstetrician casually mentioned harvesting stem cells I did not take it seriously thinking it must be quite something to organize.  When I found out how simple it would have been I regretted missing the opportunity to store my first born’s stem cells. I was determined to make sure our 2nd born would have stem cells harvested. It was all so simple to arrange and I have been very happy with the regular communications and fees charged by Cordbank. I do recommend considering this option to my pregnant friends.”

–Ann, Wellington

“We banked our sons cord blood as insurance should the unthinkable happen. As with all insurance so much the better if you don’t need to call on it but it helps to give peace of mind.”

–Kay, Christchurch

“We are very fortunate to have both our children’s cord blood stored. This was important to us as we wanted to be able to give our children the very best life we could. While we have two happy, healthy kiddies, no one knows what the future holds but we live each day with peace of mind that we have done what we could to ensure many more years as a happy healthy family. Thanks CordBank!

-Rochelle & John, Papamoa

Success Stories

stage four Neuroblastoma

Frances, Age 4

How cord blood saved Frances's life

oxygen deprivation at birth

Maia Friedlander

In 2002, Auckland parents Daniel and Jillian Friedlander were blessed with beautiful twin girls Maia and Arielle. Life couldn’t have been better.

That was until Maia failed to meet the usual developmental milestones.

Maia had suffered oxygen deprivation at birth which left her “disconnected” and developmentally delayed. Thankfully they had banked both girls cord blood with CordBank – just in case.

How cord blood changed Maia's life

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Stage-4 Cancer

“A Small Price to Pay”

“It is now about 18 months since our child was treated with her own cord cells and she appears to have made a miraculous recovery from a stage 4 cancer that nearly killed her. We are truly grateful that we entered into this scheme which is like an insurance policy that you hope never to have to call upon. It has given our family hope. The financial cost was a very small price to pay.”


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PO Box 68757, Wellesley Street, Auckland 1141
© CordBank New Zealand, 2021


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